Municipal Kitchen Drain Pan

Mark Metals designed and fabricated an 11 gauge stainless steel pan to act as a liner for an existing concrete floor drain system. After many years of service, the concrete was in disrepair and continually leaking waste water into the basement of this large municipal kitchen facility. We took site measurements and with the input of facility management designed a suitable fix to solve the leaking wastewater issue. The toughest part of this project was minimizing distortion from all of the welding and correctly sizing and building for problem free site installation.

News & Highlights


This swing arm for railroad equipment had cracked welds from a previous repair attempt. The cracked welds were molded out, and mounting arms straightened and

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Mark Metals Sheet Metal Rack - Custom Metal Fabrication


A local power generating facility requested assistance with organizing their sheet metal inventory. Mark Metals personnel arranged an on-site visit where we discussed size requirements,

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Mark Metals designed and fabricated a metal Downdraft Table for dust control in a local manufacturing facility.  The top is a perforated sheet that allows

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